Sunday, March 02, 2008

When I'm at the pearly gates - will he make me match the videotape?

Not much time - but some time is better then no time. Quick story:

A professor stand infront of his class with a large pickle jar in from of him. He says "Class this is an empty jar." Class nods. Professor then dumps a load of golf balls in the jar. "Class, this is a full jar". Class nods. Professors dumps in a bunch of pebbles. "Class this is a full jar." Class nods again.. Professor dumps in sand. "Class this is a full jar" Class nods again. Professor dumps in two cups of coffee. "Class, this is a full jar" class nods again. "Do know what this pickle jar means? Let me explain:

The golf balls represent the big things in life: Family, Friends, Love, Compassion
The pebbles represent the semi big things in life: Work, Entertainment, Bills, Exercise
The sand represents the small things in life: gossip, drama, etc

If you mix your priorities up there won't be enough room for everything. For your life to be truely full you much pay attention to the big things in life and let the smaller things sink in around them."

Student says "Whats the coffee represent?"
Professor says "There is always room for a cup of coffee with a friend"

An interesting thought eh?

i'll end with that for now. Perhaps dwell on it later.
I feel exhausted with talking about myself for the time being.

glad to be back.