Saturday, June 23, 2007

My war on the scale.

TUesday evening I went to the mall. I had to pick up my shoes so it only seemed fair to get some new jeans in my newly "lost weight" state. Instead it turned ugly. My theighs are still large. Boo. I nearly cried. But instead got my hair cut and felt moppy. So I went to Linen'n'Things; my new favourite store. Where I baught a scale. Tara, sales at work, says when you've had enough you've had enough and you normally succeed at doing what ever it is to solve the problem. So i'd had enough of this mystery that is weight loss. I was going to weigh my self regularly so that I would continue to loose weight. After Linen'n'THings I walked to the gym and back, had a shower.. but then still couldn't get on the scale. So I didn't snack and went to bed. In the morning, after my shower, I got on it. Do you know what it read?

180 pounds.

I was stunned. Never in my life have a felt like that. So I hada yogurt for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a veggie wrap for dinner. I then went to the gym for an hour. I weighed myself again.

176 pounds.

No idea whats going on here. So thursday I have dried fruit for breakfast, small potato salad for lunch, 6 chicken wings for dinner and go to the gym. I weighed myself that night.

174 pounds.

Friday I get up early to go to the gym cause I have to work all day, i have an apple muffin for breakfast, a small potato salad for lunch and a veggie wrap for dinner. I get up this morning and weigh myself.

173 pounds.

I then take a poop. and for kicks weigh myself.

172 pounds.

So according to my scale in 68 hours I have lost;

8 pounds.

Is that actually possible? I don't think so.. but physcologically it makes me feel good. lol. It drove me out of bed this morning to go the gym before my eyebrow waxing appointment! And it will probably drive me not to eat or drink like a pig today. It all seems very strange. However, I would like this on the record.. I am still not happy at 172 pounds. I will be content at 160... but be happy at 150... and at the rate I'm going... I should be at 160 by the end of next week? lol.

Anyways.. today I am going to the gym.. getting the eyebrows waxed... going furniture shopping with Matt .. working 5 -9 and then going out for "drinks" with melissa.

Until later my loves! Can't wait to see you all!!!


Friday, June 15, 2007

Why my life is awesome.

Oh lovey's!

Today/yesterday have been absolutely wonderful! Where to begin??

Well.. yesterday morning was a little stressful.. but I was hopeful that Matt would actually call. It was pushing 8pm and there was no call.. so I decided a shower and bed.. well.. i gotta out the shower and my phone rang! Matt! He was so nervous and cute and such! He was like "well this is embarrassing but i cant pick you up because i dont have a car.. can we meet there?".. it was cute.. he was really embarrassed. So we met at starbucks and got a coffee and walked ALL over Sidney for 2 hours.. it was funny. He's the kinda guy that gets so nervous that he just says the first thing that comes to his mouth and then immediately says afterwards.. oh god.. probably shoulda have said that just yet. lol. in a way it was cute. but yeah.. we do have a lot in common and he doesn't need that much saving after all.. ok a little bit of saving.

The checklist?

1) Car? Negative
2) Job Only Part time for BC Ferries
3) Own Place Negative. Lives with Parents
4. More hair products then me? Nope!! Which is a good thing!

BUT this is not over reacting and over thinking.. because checklists are nothing.. i suppose all of these things are very material things... so just no over thinking sigh.

AND THEN.. work went well today.. Kentucky called! I definetly said that I could have the job running his new magazine.. which just happens to be based IN THE GULF ISLANDS! Friggin nuts. He hasn't yet got the publication yet.. but still.. hurray?

AND THEN.. this afternoon I went to Linen n'Things and it was amazing! I baught; a blender, a dinner sit, a block of 23 knife set, a stainless steel garbage can, a 16 set of glasses, a dish drying rack all for under $200 beans! Sooooo.. being the money saver I am *cough* i went to Old Navy.. where for the first time ever.. every pair of pants I tried on.. in my regular size of 12 for the past 4 years FIT ME! my fat bulge is almost gone! Back to regular me! Hurray!

TOnight.. im just vegging out and rewarding myself with movies and wings!

what a good few days! h. and ps. t-minus 15 days until my new place. t-minue 42 days until Toronto!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Oh the discouragement of it all.

Oh my Oh my. I know I should be so excited and spending money like a mad woman for my new apartment but alas.. i find it frustrating cause I'm so concerned about matching and looking good and then i get caught up with how much money I do and don't want to spend. AHAH.

The conundrum today? Do you buy the mattress first? Or the bed frame first? YIKES! I know I know it really shouldn't be that difficult of a decision.. of course.. the money is mostly an issue.. cause really.. how much is too much to spend on a mattress and a box spring?? AHHH!

I think i probably went to our different furniture stores today.. and couldn't decide on anything! AH! not even dish towels! AH! It's damn near official. I'll be moving into the apartment with the clothes on my back. It'll take me 10 minutes to unpack. hahaha.


in other lands.. Matt and I made tentitive plans to hook up today.. but then I went to town without him and then he went golfing at 7:30.. so it didn't really workout.. BUT he did call me to say he was sorry he didn't know thats what the boys had planned.. but that if i wanted to hook up tomorrow we could.. or friday.. but he was going up island this weekend but maybe even next week. so cute. i'm just gonna say this once... and in a light and airy way.. it is so nice not to feel that dramatic feeling i always feel when i first hook up with a boy. I don't know if you know what I mean.. but I always feel really anxious and annoyed and always find a reason not to hang out with him and then I obsess over it and so on and so forth AND they always turn out to be weird strange guys or that I'm always persuing them.. but really.. this just seems so natural. No scaryness... no nervousness.. i didn't even debate whether or not to call him back or not. I just did it. Such a nice feeling.
He said he'd call me tomorrow when i'm done work. sigh.

ps. apparently im avoiding melissa now. really im just avoiding running with her. she'll actually make me do it. lol. booo

the end!


Sunday, June 10, 2007

I don't want to get anyones hopes up but...

I may in fact have a love life. No no.. let me rephrase. I have met a boy.. whom.. still likes me even tho I did make a giganitc ass out of myself in an extreme drunken state. Really. Thats how great he is. lol.

I may have mentioned that absolutely ridiculous party i went to with melissa a few weekends back? well the guy matt. not only did he hunt me down on facebook.. we are still chatting and I may have invited him to coffee... in a very non specific way. lol.
We shall see. His friends are all hicks and dirty drug mungers.. but really.. when you stuck in sidney and thats what you've grown up with.. its hard to get out of. I'll be that girl.. the helper outer! lol. No.. i won't try and save him.. just coffee would be nice?

Anyone. The crazies invited me for dinner. I politely declined. I am so over them. I want them to know it. After last weekends comments.. i am over niceities.. I am over just their crazy antics.. its past just being weird and into rude. I don't need their food. I don't need their charity. And I don't need their basement and hyprocritical/nazi like views.

I don't know if i've mentioned this or not.. but..


ok. until later my pets!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Ahh my own little slice of peace! AND EXCITEMENT!

Ok. so funny story. The day I went to see the apartment I loved it soo much that i called my mum from outside the building to make sure i wasn't being rash. Then, being in the most excitable state ran downtown to the scotiabank to get a check to give to the landlady. I ran all the way with my phone in my hands.. then after getting to the bank and getting my check.. i proceeded to run all the way back to the apartment withput my phone in my hands.

When i got back to the apartment I soon discovered there was no phone to be had. The landlady was soo nice and we had a laugh and she let me use her phone to call mine half a dozen times.. to no avail. I knew I had left it on the counter at the bank but by the time i would have gotten back to the bank they would have been closed. So i filled out the paper work, and went home. By the time I had reached home Scotiabank had called to tell me my phone was there and that i could pick it up. Such nice people. The next morning I called the landlady to make sure she got all the documents and to thank her. I guess i had stepped out of the office for a moment but she called back and said that scotiabank just called her to tell her they had my phone and she wanted to tell me! So nice.

So by the time I pick up my phone.. its friday afternoon. I was meeting the team downtown anyways so i left early to make it to the bank in time. There were 6 messeges on my phone. Happily enough the first messege was from the Landlady saying that Congratulation the apartment is yours and i hope you found your phone because as much as i'd like to call your house line I think it might be awkward with your current landlords.. so I hope you get this! It was so funny. So i called her back but had to leave a messege but OBVIOUSLY i was so excited!

So excited to the point where i walked to the mall and proceeded to the house and home section of The Bay. lol. I didn't buy anything.. don't worry.. but cheeeeese I wanted to. I've resolved to only start buying things once i can actually measure the apartment and really know what i need. Look at me.. being smart! HA!

I did however, get paid yesterday. So I put my plane ticket on my visa, but then proceeded to pay most of my visa off and then put 500. more on my line of credit. I can so do this. I didn't spend a dime in 2 days! Until yesterday.. but even then.. its was only $40 on parking.. dinner and beers with the work team. So proud of myself. Today I'm not spending anything either.. only free entertainment which includes.. the gym (because its already paid for).. walking.. cleaning.. tanning (because its already paid for) and the doctors. sigh.

PS! My flights are booked! I arrive in Toronto on July 27th at 6:18 pm and then leave from Toronto August 6th at 5:45 pm! Hurray!! Can't wait to see you all. What would you like me to bring you all? I have a large TNA bag that I will be ONLY bringing with only a few pairs of clothing (haha who am i kidding) so i can do art.. or Van Island treasures (they have amazing eco friendly products here) or a tshirt.. or I could just suprise you? hmmm??

Anywho.. thats my exciting week. OH i forgot.. and I gave my resume to Kentucky yesterday afternoon.. so I hope he calls! He saw a copy of the Muskoka Magazine, North Country Business and the Showcase Real Estate and he shat his pants he was so in love. I hope he calls!

Ok team. can't wait to see you all... OH and Laural.. we really should do tea when I'm in TO.. me.. you.. meghan? Would be nice to meet you!

xxoo waffles!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


OK. So. I may have my apartment. I'm not gonna get too excited but...


So its just a one bedroom.. but its on the top floor of a building downtown.. about 4 blocks from the core.. but in a hippy suburb so it's chill and friendly. Its got old wood floors.. a wall of windows.. living room.. dining room.. clean bathroom.. large bedroom.. new appliances.. parking.. elevator.. you know.. its pretty decent really. It is, however, $755 a month. Boooo. But I can handle that with a paycheck. So basically its just budgeting my money that i have to do better. Really.

I can pay off all my monthly bills in one paycheck.. so i have to start doing that.

Posessions I own? Natta. Hellllllllo IKEA!!! and obviously antique row.. which is the street i live on!! HAHAHAHAHH!

onward and upward! no fruitless spending!!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Good news.. kinda

I know.. I know.. I was a little reluctant about the line of credit as well.. seeing as I dispise the idea of owing money to ANYONE! But alas.. in this situation.. I have it sorted out.

I did get the credit cause apparently I have the best credit rating available cause i've always paid my bills on time and such. So.. my credit is 10,000. Which is huge amount considering I DON"T need that much. Anyways.. i'm totally in for cheap furniture and have scoped out some stuff from thirft stores around. I mostly just got the credit because although I hate the idea of owing money.. i hate the idea of not having anything for anything in the first place. So.. the credit it mostly just a back up plan.

In other news.. i'm supposed to see an apartment tomorrow afternoon. we'll see. ps. i got your messege yesterday amy.. but couldn't call you back.. and then today i was sick so have been at home all day. i spent the night throwing up.. so.. no work.. until fairways that is.

ok. until later.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I tell you all what. I wanted to tell you by phone amy.. at least that will be a little more personal.. but I must write it down as well for everyone else. You probably won't read this first anyways.

Monday I went out for lunch with a man named Kentucky Douglas. He is a hippy by nature but a business man in his head. He also owns a large string of magazines/newspapers on the Island. I happen to do all of his corporate printing. Anyways. He calls me up Monday morning because he can't figure out how to change his logo in a word document that he has been using for his invoicing. He offers me to take me to lunch if I can fix it. So i say fine.. he's a pleasant man and never has a negative thing to say about anyone. Anyways.. we go to lunch and it takes me the entirety of 10 minutes to figure his problem out and fix it. He buys me lunch and we sit and talk for an hour. By the time the hour is up, he has divulged that he is in the works of buying up a bunch of magazines in the peninsula and is looking for someone to run one of them. Little did I know but he was basically interviewing me all of the lunch and asked me right there that if he acquired these would I like the job. I said absolutely. He said that I could pick the staff to work with and that if they were coming from out east that he has a house on the ocean that he is more than willing to rent out. I said I was definately interesting.

So thats my huge news for the week basically. I am seeing him again Monday with a copy of the Muskoka Magazine and my resume and we'll see how it goes. Obviously I'm extending an invitation to Amy on this ones.. you can have either sales or creative... but we'll see eh?

In other news... the crazies came home last night. I didn't seem them until when the third sentance that came out of my aunts mouth was "so your bathroom looks like a science experiement". and I said "how do you figure" and she said your shower and toliet are digusting. In which I replied.. I cleaned them on wednesday. Fucking bitch. They are not digusting. I'll admit they could be cleaned more often then I do.. but honestly.. no one is making her use them... and in all honestly what the fuck is she doing in my shower anyways. whore.

Which brings me to my next statement. I'm going to see about a line of credit next week. I don't have enough money to move out and buy furniture all on my own right now.. but that last comment has pushed me right over the edge. I can't live her any longer. So the goal is to get an appointment with the bank as soon as possible so get my own place. Hopefully by july first. I need to get the fuck out of here. Now.

Anyways.. can't wait to see you all soon! 55 days!!