Wednesday, January 17, 2007

swollen eyes and stuffed up noses will define me for awhile.

mum and dad put buddy down today.

he had another seizure and the vet said because his brain was bleeding.

i've cried a lot tonight.

its like one of the pains where you didn't actually believe something like that happens.

you don't believe your oldest friend in the world needed to be put down.

they aren't supposed to die. and they most certainly aren't supposed to do it when your not around.

i guess thats all i can really say. i don't think i handle death very well.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

victoria is the strangest place in the world. its all backwards.

but not backwards in the sense that people put their pants on their heads and their shoes on their hands, although if it were on option to live like that.. im sure there would be people who would do it because they would think it was a good idea. its the type of backwards that if you were in ontario and proposed to do things there the way they do things here, people might strip you of your worldly possessions (clothing and personal toothbrush included) and put you into itchy scratch white smocks and say you should take these little green pills four times a day because they will make you think clearer.

Case study #1.
Last evening Tia and I decided to go see a movie. She wanted to see a scary one and I am a baby and wanted to not see a scary one. So we go eat dinner at earls (which subsequently is the most fabulous restuarant ever.. its like milestones but better and hotter men working there) but when we finished it was 7 45... and all of the movies clearly start at 7ish. So we decide to see Children of Men. WHich is fine since Muse is in the commercial and if all else fails that will be the movies redeming quality. But we get there so early that there is like a hour and a bit waiting time before it starts. SO we go in anyways cause its cold outside and the man taking our tickets says "now your here awefully early for this movie so i recommend going to see another one... they've all already started but most of them you can still get the jist of it if you go in now..." So we saw two movies for the price of one. And may I just add that the price of tickets to see a movie here is merely $8. Thats right. So basically we saw two Brand Spanking New Movies for less then if we were to rent 3 year old ones at the gallery down the street! I dare someone to try and do that in Ontario. Your ass will be grass via the security people.

Case study #2.
I live in Victoria, which is on the island. The part of the island that only gets snow for 2 days a year every 10 years. Yes, thats correct, the last time there was snow here it was 1996. Does anyone even remember 1996? Thats pretty much the reason I moved out here. No snow. No cold. No freezing cold days. No more parkas and scarves and mits and jumbo sweaters that don't look like they will fit under your giant parka. Nata. Just rain, which is fine, because its way easier to stay dry when it rains then to stay warm when it snows. So anyways. It snows. For a week. In November. Everyone loses there minds. Business, Schools, Banks, Liquer Stores shut down. People die in car accidents and the power is out for weeks. This, to me and you, is ridiculous. But to Victorian's; the only imaginable way to combat 6 inchs of snow is rubber boots and umbrellas. They all drive like maniacs and kill each other. The radio stations phone lines are clogged with traffic reports and weather reports and no one can talk about anything other then the weather. Its like the whole world and all other forms of topic of conversations have ceased to exisit. WHEN it snows 6 inches in Ontario, everyone is annoyed and goes about their day. People don't die and they certainly don't pull out their rubber boots and ubbrellas. I dare one of you to do that the next time it snows. Rubber boots and umbrellas. You could even put on a rain jacket and scarf and mitts for effect. It would be rather amusing.

anyhoooo.. i'm sure i'll come up with more case studies in the days to come.. since we've had snow the last few days here again and everyone is once again losing their minds. Some jackass drove into a gas station the other morning near my work and blew himself up. Its just stupid. But today Im going to bumm around.. perhaps do some shopping.. and then go "drinking & dancing" with karley. This is what she promises.. but to be frank.. ill believe it when i see it. Most likely it will be me the one stumbling around dancing like a maniac and enjoying myself and it will be her looking down on me like i'm flashing tits to the elderly!

the end.

oh. ps. my job is wonderful. i love it. and it is excellent. miss you all terribly.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

just one thing.

or two.

1. we are marshall had me goosebumpy so much that all of the hair on my freshly shaven legs grew back. there were also many tears. of laughter, sorrow, pain and forgiveness. and i think tia and have a terrible afliction, in actualality we are probably afflicting others. we can't sit through 10 minutes of a movie without chatting/talking/laughing out loud/crying or making a scene.

2. the president of my company said he hired me cause im a control freak. the only time some one will ever appreiciate my control freakingness.

3. i love chicken freshly hot fromt the grocery store.

4. now not getting out of bed until tomorra afternoon to do laundry/dinner with the crazies before their trip.

xxoo waffles.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I may be 20 years younger than you but my boobs are perky and people like me better then you. so Im the boss.

Day 2

Im so nervous that I almost dont like it. I hate starting a new job that your not sure you are qualified for. I mean. At the magazine I always thought "im am just wasting my time at this place and not getting paid enough for it" but now I've got what I always thought I could do.. and im scared that Im gonna fuck it up.

Marchie gave me book for christmas. A pocket size failure book. Is that a sign? I mean the book is all about how to look on the bright side of failing. I hope its not a sign. I really don't want to fail. I want to be amazing and I want people to love me and I want to evoke change! I finally have the job of my dreams (cause i only really dreamed of having a job i got paid lots of money to do and that I could sit at a desk and have my own office and wear heels. whichi do.) and i don't want to fuck it up.

sigh. i have to buy more clothes too. i've almost run out of outfits. shit.

anyways. so far so good with the job. have not yet screwed up. sigh. i can't relax. sigh. ok. i'll talk later.


Monday, January 01, 2007

The new adventures of old holey.

I am not going to lie here. I was a terrible terrible friend last night. And thank god was not caught doing it. Well maybe not a terrible terrible friend. I think we were all just too drunk and out of control that a lot of silly bad things happened.

Mk. So first of all, tia and allison and i get ready at my place. We drank 1.5 26ers of vodka and a 26 of sour puss in shots in a hour and a half. We were a little drunk. We were taking the bus into town at 8 to get to the Lucky (the bar) for 9 cause we didnt have tickets. So we took "water bottles" except mine was soooo strong and the other two were too drunk as it was. So i go to open mine and it explodes all over me in the bus. A supremely crowded bus luckily filled with party goers as well. Perfect. We finally get into town find our way to Lucky and they tell us we probably won't get into til after midnight. So shit. So we stumbled to Plan B (another bar) to find the same answer. So by this time we have to pee like nooobodies business. We end up at mcdicks to find the most horrific bathroom. I cried the whole time while peeing. We finally end up at The Social Club. I know. Sounds like some sort 80's flashback Boy George club. Well it suuuure wasn't. Free champaign and appy's. Good music.. and some very hot bartenders. I think we were there the entirety of 5 minutes before i realized i wasn't going to have to wear the balls in this friendships. I tried my damndest to set tia and allison up with boys. I swear to god. They are hot girls.. they just couldn't be spontanious and talk to the boys they thought hot. So I did. Which subsequently ended up with those said boys wanting to make out/dance with me. Can we say awkward? The worst part is... i didn't say no to either. I wasn't trying to be sneaky... it just ended up that way. but tia and allison had no idea. when they were around i found a way to go get a drink or the bathroom or some such.. and then made my way back to the bar to meet a boy for me. But no. Those two boys i set them up with always ended up making their way back to me. Luckily at midnight i had managed to get myself a way and find me a hot bartended to kiss at midnight. Hilarious. So by the end of the night tia is in love with her boy.. allison is too posh to make out with hers.. and i am just plain drunk. lol. Not bad drunk.. but funny-im-talking-to-strangers drunk. Having a good time dancing until Ryan (allison's boy) drags me to the bathroom where he proceeds to push me up against the wall and hardcore makeout with me. And it was hot. He was like "this is really terrible but i don't want her i want you" and he asked for my number to call me today. So i gave it to him. He was hot. I think. At least good lucking in the very least. lol. fuck i don't know.

So the bar was closing at 4... and it was 3... so in order to get a cab we left earliesh. The boys followed us out into the park. Oh it was cute and sucked that I couldnt just make out with him. But oh well. So we start hoooofin it downtown trying to find a cab. What we did find was street meat! The greatest hot dogs of all time. Ever. And two gay men from toronto who were absolutely hilarious. We finally got a cab back to sydney and finally got to bed. But I tell ya.. all this morning all tia could talk about was her boy she met and got his number. I wanted to tell her that I totally made out with him... but thought that might be rude.. secretly i hope she doesn't call him.. that might turn out bad if he's actually not interested. anyhooo...

and i suppose the end of the story is.. i've spend the entire day on the couch.. pulled out into the bed. lol. What a great day.

I start the new job tomoora. I got my letter of employement which states my position as a midlevel management position as a pre press specialist. awesome. aaaaaaahhhh so nervous.

xxoo waffey.