Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My renewed love for golf...

My farch always said I would grow up one day and remember why I loved golf to begin with. Before all the competing and the pressures. Before practising became a pain and working was all consuming. I now understand why so many men take up the game and like to spend their weekends, or after work hours doing it.

Yesterday I went to the range after work and felt better for it. It was relaxing, fun and it gave me a chance to concentrate on something other then work, my love life or other issues concerning my living situations. It was nice to just go out and hit balls (better than most of the men out there actually) and not have to think.

On the plus side, I met the beautiful boy at the range. We chatted. His name is Sean. He's gorgeous. He thinks I have a nice swing. He wondered if I played for the UVic team. I think he was just flirting. I couldn't play for UVIC if I wanted to. lol.

In anycase, Im wondering. Is golf a good source of exercise? I mean better than the gym.. cause I don't really like to go to the gym, but will go if i must. sigh.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

The night that never was.

I baught a new outfit. A scandolously mod one. And new heels. I got myself all gussied up. Convinced Tia we needed a repeat of last weekend.. then missed the bus and proceeded to watch movies all night. lol.

It was fine. Cause I got a text messege from Jamie. Jamie being one of the boys that I met at the bar in Vancouver last weekend. The one who cute in a normal way, and had lots in common. He messeged me to ask when I was coming to vancouver next. So i messeged back when he was coming to victoria next. He said whenever I wanted. So i said today. Apparently not, apparently he's in whistler this weekend. suuuure. so i said next weekend. and he said he'd see what he could do.

I hope Im not setting myself up. As far as I remember he was cute and smart and didn't try and pull any skeezey moves on me. Although thats all that I remember. I remember he has a job, but doing what I have no idea. I don't really remember what he looks like, which could be an issue, cause what if he was not as cute as I originally thought? eeeeeee. tia says we should just rent him and his buddies a hotel room and that we if either me or him feel uncomfortable its possible to bow out at any time. I wonder if he would go for that?

hmmm.. the possibilities.

In other news, I went to the range yesterday where I saw the most beautiful boy in the world. He was beautiful. Handsome. THere are words to discribe him. I may in fact go back today. Just to look at him. I will pay the 8 bucks for a bucket of balls if that gives me the right to just look at him. lol

until the next adventures.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Here's an idea, stop complaining. Yep. That should about do it.

This is not a complaint. Just a statement.
I'm les stressed out. And tired. How to combate stress and tiredness? ummmm.. not caring so much about my job... and not going to bed so late. If it was only that easy.

I went to the gym last night. I now remember why I love gym boy so much. Ok love may be a strong word. Why I adore him so much? No... why I am infatuated with him so much? I think the appeal is not actually knowing what he's like. I can day dream that he is sweet and sensitive but will make out like an animal on the dance floor. Maybe he likes to read too. For all I know he could be tres intelligent. I bet he likes Keiths and wings and would think its funny that i always get wings juice all over my face and clothing. It would probably bother him that I can't cook, but I might learn for him. I bet he lives in a house just outside of the victoria, a boyish house. He probably gets up insanely early. I bet his feet stink worse then mine. I wonder if he has a hairy back and or stomach? I don't think I would mind either. He probably wears breifs, he does have a great ass, so he can wear them with maucho confindence. I bet he has a sister, shes younger.

Ok. so thats a little far. I should probably just talk to him and stop daydreaming.

xxoo waffey

Sunday, March 18, 2007

You're from where? Oh fuck it. Your hot.

Wow. Thats how this weekend went.

The fam? They were great. Love my marchie and g-ma. They are two classy ladies. Im sad they are gone tho. Enough about them. lol. No really, they were wonderful, but am relieved to have my bed/life back.

The rest of the weekend? hmmm.. where to start. How bout with tia. The girl has verbal diahrea. She doesn't shut up. Ever. Honest. She will just talk and talk until you leave the room. And its actually normally only about how great she is. How every guy in the bar wanted her (cough) or about something she has done that was so great (cough). Most of it, seeing as I was there, was totally not how things happened. I can handle and exaggerator but not a liar who has a total distorted view of reality. There is a difference. I think the annoying part mostly was that i did not get a word in edgewise at all. Natta.

Friday night. We have a few drinks in our ultra spanky hotel room with redonkulous views. We were on the 25 floor. As the guy in the elevator said "your almost in the penthouse". lol. nearly. It was mint. So anyhoo. We got to his bar called The Royal downtown. Luckily, "downtown" was actually a block from our hotel. wonderbar. ok. so. we get the bar and have a few drinks when tia finds her first conquest; the skinny boy with the plaid shirt and hockey hair. Im not drunk, but good to go on being left alone to dance by myself. The girl hunts him down like prey. Im drinking. She dancing with him so i grab and random boy milling about near the dance floor to dance. Turns out he's hot. And likes to dance with me. We're having a good time when he tries to speak to me. Turns out he's from.. kazakistan? is that a place? but he's not.. i dont how to say it.. um.. ethnic? he's white and gorgeous and hot? lol. I thought he was lying. He had an accent and didn't speak english very well but i still thought he was making it up. You know what I say "are you fucking me?" and then he says "yes, i like to fuck". lol. love it. so i decide to bail on him cause im not into liars. I get a drink and head back to tia where she has since dumped the plaid guy cause she says "he's crazy! he thinks im going home with him!" clearly im going to have to have the "talk" with her....
anyhoo.. so we're sitting near the bar having a drink (or double fisting...) and these two decent boys approach. Randy from California and his buddy jake from north carolina. They seem like nice enough boys. In fact the randy character and i had lots in common.. mostly sports and him trying to impress me.. but still.. lol... we start dancing nicely when kazakistan boy approaches and says "please talk to my friend" and drags me to his friend. He says "listen, but buddy is really from kaΩakistan. he can't speak english very well but said that you were really hot and he wanted to dance with you still". so i tell randy i have to dance with this boy for minute.
Dancing soon turned into hot mad sex on the dance floor. maybe not the penis penetration bit, i sure as left with 4 hickeys, a large bruise on my lips and in need of some clean panties. lol. He was fucking hot. Not a word of a lie. He was strong and built and the accent and his limited words including "hot", "beautiful" and he even said that he liked that i was strong and independant. it was amazing. until he got a text messege from a buddy, i saw it. It said he was at the buffola club cause he got kicked out. so he had to go. i gave him my number just in case. lol.
so while i was busy making out apparently tia found a new conquest and was busy entertaining him... i dunno.. it was weird. so i left her too it. I got another drink and millied about at the bar.. just dancing and drinking when a good looking.. kinda conservative boy came up to me.. he was wearing khakis and a botton down stripped shirt. he was cute. we talked for the rest of the night and he bought me a few drinks.. he wasn't all over me or trying to pick me up (or maybe he was... ) but we had a good time and he was funny and interesting. his name was jamie. i gave him my number before we left. when we got back to the hotel i grabbed my phone and he had already texted me. we texted a few times before bed.
so nuts.

he did text me today.. but it was at 3:30am wondering what I was doing.. lol. funny shit. and that was the weekend.

needless to say.. im exhausted.. decidedly not living with tia.. and glad to be back by myself and in my bed. how silly i was to think i could do a roommate.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Where is Aretha when I need her?

Im thinking Im a little perturbed with the rush/slow game the landlord/old tenant are playing with my beautiful apartment and large breakable heart.
One moment it is a huge rush to get everything in, the next I don't hear anything for days. Im a very impatient girl to be honest. Especially when I want something, mostly I want it that moment.

So I shall call and find out I suppose. I dont want be annoying at all, but to be frank, I want to know so that when I go to vancouver this weekend with my march and g-ma I can buy furniture. gah.

In other news... Im les bored right now.
And that is all, my fingers hurt from the amount of typing i've done today.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

oh march...

Oh happy days.. my march and g-ma are coming tomorrow afternoon! I'm so pumped!
It'll be nice to see both of them. I haven't seen my march for almost 6 months and g-ma for almost 8. Its nuts.

So I guess the plans are.. i still have to work during the week but we are going to Tofino this coming weekend and then vancouver the following weekend. It'll be nice to come home from work and have civilized conversations again. And someone to watch grey's with.

It'll be nice to have my gma out here too. She has never been out here so it'll be a nice holiday. The second time I went to australia she was supposed to come with me, but she had to have surgery on her ulcer of some sorts. not this time!

So, hopefully we'll know this week whether or not we have the apartment or not so that I can take them to see it before we go to vancouver (would be a bonus to hit up IKEA!).

Anyhoo.. thats the news for the moment. Yah!

Sunday, March 04, 2007


omg. I've found my love.

In a huge 100 year old building. A few qualities?

1) Beautiful original wood flooring. Kept in mint conidition.
2) Brand new kitchen. (disherwasher, fridge, oven)
3)Totally awesome large black and white checkered ktichen tile flooring.
4) huge walk in closet in master bed.
5) quaint bathroom with new tiles and toliet/sink

Totally affordable if Tia bails on me. The only thing I'm a little dud about is the stairs and parking. Its on the third floor which is swet for the views with the huge windows but not so awesome for walking up and down them due to no elevator. They don't supple parking, but you can get monthly parking down the street and there is free street parking.

Im already designing how Im going to decorate. I can't wait to get it! The girl who is getting rid of her lease pretty much loves me. LOOOZVES me. she even walked me down town to get the application with her two TINY kids. Loves me. So i'm meeting with her tomorrow afternoon to get all the paper work done and then tada! we are short listed to the top three and then she gives these options to the landlord.

Oh i want it so bad!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sunglasses give me headaches when they rest on top of my head.

I think my head, may in fact, be one of the large ones that can't wear headbands, sunglasses, real glasses, tight poneytails, hoods, most beanies and some baseballs hats. They good news is, i rarely do any of the above so its alright.

Thats nonsense.

In other more related topics, I've decided I'm not "depressed" in the medical sense of the word. Nore do I think I need therapy in the medical sense of the word. I do however think I need to spend a little less time pretending to be interested in some peoples problems when I should be dealing with my own, and in most cases are fairly easy to deal with but just have been avoided.

I'm ok. As for the two of you, you gotta do what you gotta do. Thats all I gots to say on the topic, that and well thought out about not taking the meds ms. knitter. Im also of that opinion.

As for my current situation (boyless, apartmentless, without bestest friendless) all of these are slowing getting fixed with no hurry or major dramatic scene. There is no plan, things are coming as they are coming. The without bestest friendlessness is the hardest issue for sure but an issue that is slowly but sure fixed with every phone conversation and facebook remark.

Everything is dandy. sigh.

Currently I am waiting in suspense to find out how much of my money the government is going to give back to me. I'm supposed to find out this afternoon so I can go pick up my check. Hopefully it is enough for a first and last and half a months rent and the April first it is. If not, into the savings it goes for May first.

Hurray. On a side note.. who the funk knew buying furniture was so expensive!

xxoo love ya'll. lol