Monday, October 30, 2006

I heart Leather Furniture and Greenpeace boys!

Today was the most fabulous day to date (being in BC that is).

I got up early, packed the laptop and drove into the city in search of culture, pretty things and some me on me quiet time.

All things accomplished.

Victoria is such a beautfully cultured town that talking to 'houseless' people is actually an education instead of completely and utterly disgusting.

I walked around downtown all morning and part of the afternoon, by myself, wandering in and out of unique one of a kind shops where pretty fun people work and enjoy their jobs. No one seems stressed or angry or frustrated. No one is spewing vulgarities. No one wears clothing that is dirty or tattered. Everyone carries a pretty purse or satchel instead of breifcase. Everyone wears smiles instead of frowns. I was adventuring in allies and found the most beautiful, enchanting restuarant and another man who could have been in his 60's approached me and we talked about this marvalous building and it was peaceful and interesting. And then while strolling I was approached by a nice boy canvassing for Greenpeace. And because he smiled and asked how my morning has been I talked to him. For 30 minutes. About everything. It was pleasant and educating. I then walked into a gorgeous furniture and accessories store to strike up an hour long conversation with the owner about Victoria, Ontario, finding a loft, getting a job.. it was just amazing how open and friendly everyone is.

I then proceeded to Chapters and baught $100+ worth of books and a beautiful Matt&Nate Purse and wallet and my day is complete. I then went down town Sidney for a coffee and a stroll and discovered so many interesting, culture drivven places that I just wanted to buy the whole damn place up.

I've already baught birthday/christmas/easter gift for everyone seeing as i've missed halloween.

I wish everyone could experience a day like I had today. Im feeling so very creative. And happy. Im the luckiest girl in the world.

That and "talking" to meghan and heidi was so thrilling... brings an outstanding closure to the day!


Sunday, October 29, 2006

So let me see if i got this straight...

So last night, Karley convinces me to go over to the guys house by saying that it won't be awkward and he's clearly over it.


I get there. and Its completely and utterly awkward. Me, Sean and Karley go to the liqeur store and I get the banner news that not only did i sleep with chris.. i propositioned sean and chris to have a threesome. dear god. tequila is the devil.
We get back to the house where we decide to go to halloween party across town. Fair enough to me, it was fuckin awkward cause he wouldn't even awknowledge me room of four people.

While were waiting to meet rachel at the mall Karley and I start talking. Apparently he was mad at karley for giving me his email and he didn't want me to come over because it was going to be awkward. Well congrats he complishes that. Then she springs the bomb that she likes him AND his roommate likes him and thats why she would never get with him. She promised rachel. wft mate. wft. So we finally get to this party and I completely ditch Chris and Sean.. and Karley follows me around while i meet people. You know drunken me.. talkin to random people. Start to actually have fun when Chris comes over and drags Karley away.

Im like awesome. Not only is he going to act like a 6 year old.. hes going to make it worse by trying to get with Karley (which probably won't happen cause shes a virgin and has never had a random make out session). I find sean, crying, on the couch. Turns out Sean is completely and utterly in love with Karley as well and saw Chris take her away and has decided his life sucks and is crying. It doesn't help that hes drunk of course. A cheap drunk at that. All of a sudden we are out in the yard and the police are arresting people who are milling about on the street so we move to the back yard where seans crying is getting a little out of hand and I yell at him and say something to the effects "Grow some balls boy. Its not the end of the world if a girl doesn't like you back, at least you didn't fuck her." and I left it like that.

Karley and Chris reaapeared by this point claiming that Chris went to piss and then they couldn't find us and that nothing happened (whatev). So Chris continued drinking himself into an oblivian so i just had a seat on the curb to wait for the drama to end. Soonafter these three guys come over and sit with me.. and we chat and they are cute and the one tells me that if I spend one day with him he will show me things I've never seen. Well deal. So I gave him my number. No phone call yet tho. lol.

Karley and Sean finally finish talking.. Sean is still crying like a baby.. Rachel is trying to stop chris from passing out.. Im chatting with the cute guy.. and Karley is trying to round everyone up to go home. Im tired of the bullshit and the drama and so is karley so we start walking to her house instead of back to the boys where our cars are. We talked the whole way and laughed about it and so on and so forth. We finally went to the sleep around 4am and got up to take the bus to the boys house bout 10ish.

When we get there, neither of us want to go in. I have to go in to get my keys. So we go downstairs but Karley bails on talking to Sean and I have nothing to say to Chris so we go for lunch and she heads to work and I head home.

Im not going to lie here, I annoyed with the way things have been handled. I truely believe that I have done everything in my power to talk this out, to not make this awkward. I didn't become my usual emotional self, I didn't try and games I was honest and said "listen, I know its awkward but it doesn't have to be. im just saying we either see what happens or admit that it was a mistake and take it from there." But no. He chooses to act like a 12 year old. sigh.

Anyways. Yesterday Karley and I decide we're going downtown to do some dancing. Well I couldn't get into it. I had plenty of drinks but I just could fake having fun cause really im pissed about this whole situation. I just wanna take myself outa the situation and let them fight amongst themself. Fuck'em I'll find new friends.

We left at midnight and were asleep by 1. I think karley was annoyed but quite frankly.. i just couldn't handle all of the skanks making out with ever cock insight. Honest to god, halloween is just an excuse to dress like skanks and get slutty. Who knew?

So now im just hanging out on Sunday now.. feeling like ass (due to the amount of alcohol consumed in two days) and having to shower and have dinner with the crazies.

On a side note. Yesterday afternoon I went out to the store to buy some soup and tylenol cause I had a major headache and when I come back my aunt says "you don't look so well." i say "yeah, I have a headache." and she says "you must be getting your period.". wtf. i have no idea what goes through her head sometimes.

anyhoo.. let ya know how crazy dinner is tonight. at least its gonna be crab. sigh.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Can i call it the flu even though i secretly ate too much potato salad?

So i went to work for the entirety of 2 hours today and then was told to go home cause i looked like i was gonna puke all over everyone. In truth I might've with all of those glaring florecant lights and cranky seniors who forgot to come get their discount yesterday breathing down my neck.

So i left.. and have spent the remainer of the evening on the couch. biting my fingers and trying not to throw up. Secretly I know its not the flu.. i think its cause I've eaten potato salad for every meal in the last two days and its catching up to me. only I do that.. only I.

AND apparently my mcsweeny quarterly's finally came in the mail.. for free.. in bracebridge so Im excited to get them. But that is all my good news. Now i must leave my cozy jammies and go in search of the grocery store for something scrumcious to put in my belly.

Im thinking precooked chicken... like the ones that they do at the grocery store? damn sidney and there no fast food joints but choke and puke (kentucky friend chicken).

ohhh and then Lindsay Melnyk messeges me (the girl i was supposed to drive to bc with at the end of first year?) and now were going adventuring to California in November!! friggin crazy.

and it looks like im going out with karley tomorra night dancing. do not fret amy.. nothing can compare to dance offs.


Oh... i let the crazy slip out last night..

So after I wrote my blog... I got a messege from Jarrett. Nothing special... i random asked if Chris and him were over their little tiff on saturday night. I didn't really care.. i was just making conversation.. when he got all weird about it and started going on about how I dont really know them so I wouldn't know if they were just drunken yelling or actually fighting. i was like "oh.. ok.. i guess not?" and then he got defensive again about the supplements he takes and all I said was "I don't really want to talk about it, I don't agree with them and no matter what they say I still won't." He was like "thats fine. I wouldn't want to waste my breath on some one not open to it anyways" and then said he'd be brb. I didn't think anything of until like 3 hours later when he didn't come back so i just left him a messege "hmm?". and he was like "oh.. sorry forgot about you, got distracted. going to bed". I was like "is something wrong?" and he said "no. night" and logged off.

Well then starts my paranoia.

a) what the fuck was that all about?

b) is he mad that I don't agree with vitamin abuse?

c) did he talk to chris that 3 hours away?

d) did chris tell him what happened?

e) are they both not talking to me?

so i left a messege on chris's msn that just said "u there?" but never got a response. So then Sean, their other roommate messeges me and I ask if Chris and Jarrett are still up. He said yeah they are in the living room. Now im even more pissed. I asked if they said anything about me.. he said no.. but if I wanted to talk to them I could call. and gave me their phone number. I told him that I didn't know what was going on enough to call. No one will say anything to me. He agreed but didn't know what happened.. or at least didn't let on that he knew.

im totally being paranoid.

then last night I had the strangest dream ever. that i was at a cottage somewhere with a bunch of people from high school and all of our parents and my parents were trying lecture me on being a slut. and i got really really upset with them and told them that I wasn't at the cottage to pick up some random boy and shag him, that i was there with them and why were they doing this. There was lots of screaming and stomping away and once again I woke up crying.

what the fuck is going on?


Thursday, October 26, 2006

I really really like chicken pot pie.

Today I didn't sweat the small stuff.

I didn't tell that witch at work to go fuck her self.

I didn't tell my aunt that I hate that she assumed I wanted her to make me dinner.

I didn't get myself into a panic about Chris.

And I had a good laugh with Melissa about everything.

So I worked from 9am to 5:30pm... and today was Seniors Day. Im sure you've all encountered seniors at one point or another during your life span.. whether it be grandparents, neighbours, crazy strays, nursing homes, work places, etc.. well today was like living in the world of Old People. Not the nice kind, or the kind that are cute and you feel sorry that they are old; the type that would bowl you over with their motorized scouter to get the last of the double roll 2 ply 12's of life brand toliet paper.
Funny story.. that happened... except it didn't really happen like that.

So Thea and I are standing in an isle chatting away when an old couple, roughly in their ninety's roll around the corner at light speed in their motorized scouters. That in itself was hilarious.. until I notice their canes dragging behind them knocking things off the shelves. Thea and I dash out of the way (like in those movies when a speeding out of control truck is coming at the main character and they dive to safety) so that we aren't killed in the Halloween Isle. They barrel down the isle barely seeing over their handle bars and the first one SMOKES into the basket at the end of the isle. Like.. not just hits it.. the woman knocks the whole thing over and mangles it! As she's recovering from the whipflash she just gave herself.. her 100 year old husband smokes into her, hitting the backside of her scouter giving them both a case of whipflash. You know what happened next (after i finished pissing myself. literally) they drove away. Pretended like it didn't happen. I know. I wish I had taken pictures. It was god damn ridiculous. Apparently that happens all the time. WTF mate.

So a while later Im in an isle stocking a shelf when I over hear three seniors talking in the next isle. This man is complaining about not getting to see his doctor immediately when he wants to see him and his wife is angry that the hospital has such a wait time when this other woman pipes up and says "Well I no longer go to my doctor. One time I went to the hospital with my husband and we were there for almost and hour when a girl came in in an ambulance and got first priority over us. So now.. instead of driving to the hospital we just call the ambulance so that we don't have to wait". I nearly died of shock. Who the funk does that? Abusing an emergency system like that! Its funkin people like that that make health care so hard to come by.

And those are my immediate old foggies tales. Can't wait til we get old hey? I hope I get to get away with being as obnoxious and as self centred as they do.. although I hope I don't smell as bad and that I still have nice teeth (even if they are fake). And i hope don't have a front butt, cause they are soo gross. And I hope I never have to ask the clerk to tell me where the extra large maximum absorbancy undergarmets are. Awwwwkward!

So now.. im cleaning and doing laundry and listening to Melanie Durrant ( and other music that I can sing along too and dance a little.. ok a lot.) Happy. :)

Ps. It was a terribly blustery day, the kinda of blustery that Winnie the Poo talks about.. but hot damn did the ocean look ultra sexy with the waves and the sunset. I love my drive home.


Pss. I know the Ps. is supposed to come after you sign off... but i just don't do things the way their sposta k?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I.O.U 1 beer... but I needed it.

Well.. i haven't written since Sunday morning.. but only cause Sunday I spent the day wondering if I really am as daft as I acted on Saturday and debating whether to go to dinner at Jarrett and Chris's place as I was invited.

Needless to say.. I didn't go to dinner. can we say awkward? As much as I like Jarrett as a friend.. after Chris.. everything seems awkward. I was talking to Karley about it.. but since she is not like me (promiscuous? is that right word? with a dash of some sort of class? lol) she was just like... well obviously he must like you or else he wouldn't have slept with you.. so just talk to him. Obviously she's never been in the situation. Who wants to be the one that says "Hey.. babe.. your cute and all and super hot in bed.. wanna get to know me better?" not me mate.. not me. karley says i have to talk to him tho. so I don't know what to say. I added him to my msn.. but as Amy says.. EVERYTHING gets misconstrewed on msn.. so im debating what to do. I don't have their phone number and I don't want to just show up.. besides.. jarrett doesn't know... at least i don't think so. don't want to make it any worse than it is. and definately don't want to get into a steveo groove with him. its all or nothing. but by the silence of the last two days im startin to think its more of the nothing end...

ps. kyle is the love of my life.. and none of you know him.. but it doesn't matter.

so anyhoo.. the last few days at work have been so stressful "playing the game". im trying my damndest to not piss anyone off.. but sheexz... its just easier to do it then apologize afterwards. funkin batty bitches. all that gets me through the day is that my boss calls me Holly Dolly and loves me.. and that i need money. sigh.

and that has been the last few days. going to get my car fixed tomorra in victoria.. thinkin about finding out if chris is around home and i'll drop by and talk to him. What aboiut im not sure.. but whatever.

workin tomorra afternoon anyhoo... escaped dinner with the crazies.. however managed to rope myself into crab family dinner sunday afternoon. sob. lol.

over and out.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

How to make and loose friends in one night....

Here I am.. in my jammies.. 10:03 sunday morning.. curled around my tub-o-apple juice (thats a huge bottle of apple juice if your wondering) and writing the events of yesterday.

So i go to pick up jarrett to go into town to get my oil changed when he asks if his roommate chris can come along. I say sure if he wants to brave the maz. for christs sake he's 6"2 and 250 lbs. Not fat.. but musclar big. Im in love at first sight. But he's quiet and reserved so whatev. we tootle around town a bit while my cars getting its oil changed and we'ree having a good time.. until i find out my transmission fluid is black. APPARENTLY.. your transmission fluid should be red. opps. even the lube guy was "team.. you got issues". so great. another couple hundred to get that done for this god damn car.

so we head to this bar where we are meeting luke again to watch the hockey game. Driving in Victoria SHOULD be the easiest thing in the world.. but as it turns out EVERYONE DRIVES LIKE FUNKING IDIOTS! We finally get there and Im so stressed out so I have a drink... and the other three have 12. no joke. All of a sudden Chris has a personality, Luke is extremely funny and Jarrett just gets loud and obnoxious. lol. Im sober but having a good time when we notice the elderly woman next to us is slumped over in her chair and is not moving. Her friends or people she was with are trying to help her but don't know whats wrong.. at this point its 7pm, the place is packed with hockey fans and beer and this woman is slipping into a diabetic coma. The ambulance(s), fire truck AND police show up.. and what do you know.. they are all young and HOT! Its a god damn shame that woman had to get sick for them to show up.. but cheese was i ever glad they did. It didn't rightly help that i was sitting with 3 drunks. i had eye sex with the one... but thats all the paramedic action i got. *note to self.. find a way to get the paramedics to my house.

we finally finish up at the bar around 8.. and the three of them are sloshed. Luke walks home so me, chris and jarrett are off to find a liquer store. Now.. a feet like this is super easy in BC as everyone and their brother sells liquer. There are no government bodies that control. its regoddamndiculous. But do you think the two drunks could direct me to one? Hilarious. We finally get to one and me and jarrett split on a 26er of Wiser and a bottle of Tequila. Wew. We leave Chris in the car with the liquer and we go to the grocery store to get mix and lemons. yes thats right. we got lemons. jarrett thought they would be better than limes. funking idiot.

we walk out of the grocery store and all you can hear is Riahanna blarring from my car. We were at least 50 feet from the car and all of the doors were shut. I open the door and theres chris singing along. I've never laughed so hard. lol. We end up listening to friggin Justin Timberlake the whole way back to their place and not the new stuff. Stuff like "Girlfriend" and "cry me a river". Apparently they love him. Who knew?

We start getting our drink on at there house roughly 9pm? Its me, Chris, Jarrett, Karley and Sean and we're playing high or low with the tequila if you get card lower the 10. The tequila was gone by.. 10? and the wisers was gone by 11? All of a sudden Chris and Jarrett are fighting about something and they are screaming at each other and Jarrett ends up puking all over the downstairs bathroom and going to bed. So we stayed up out on the porch just laughing and talking about the industry cause chris is a graphic designer by trade too. creepy. We finally decide its time to go to bed but jarrett neglects to tell me before he passes out where Im sleeping. So Chris sets up a bed on the floor in his room with his second mattress so i get his bed. That lasted the entirety of 10 minutes. He came up and climbed into bed with me.

Imagine me.. little 5"5 me and him.. large 6"2 him in a single bed together. lol. He was wrapped around me. I loved it. I was warm. I tell him im going to be a prud and not sleep with him and he's like thats fine.. we can pretend we're in middle school again and we fooled around a little. well push comes to shove and all of a sudden we're not in middle school anymore.. in the loudest sense of the word. hairing pulling, biting, nails, screaming... all of the above plus some very kinky things that I have never seen before.. and thats sayin somethin. lol.

finally fall asleep til about 8:30.. when i all of sudden sit upright in bed and realise what just happened. I fumbled around with my clothes until i notice a huge smear of blood on the back of my undershirt. I check myself out and im not bleeding.. he says he's not so not i have misterious blood on the back of my shirt. i hot tailed it outa there in hurray so i didn't have to face jarrett and here I am.

all i gots to say is.. Karley and Sean were nice.. im just not sure if Jarrett or Chris are gonna talk to me again. sigh. damnn tequila. The good news is Im not hungover.. bad news is I don't reckon I remember most of what I said last night. Something tells me I might've stepped in it.

sigh. thats all for the moment. my weary legs need some sleep. and my head for that matter. whew.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Geez.. I'll get a job... another one.

Well... the past two days have been so stressfull.

Shoppers has turned out to be a mind trap. One wants to please their boss, their coworkers, their customers, but one doesn't want to be seen as a brown noser, a geek, a suck up.

I however, have no problem sucking up to my boss if it gets me hours and money. I do however have a problem with coworkers treating me like shit and customers acting like i don't speak english.

I will play the game tho. I will pretend to like everyone. And I will agree with everything everyone says. And I will not beat any seniors over the head with their own canes.

Do you know why?

Because I will not be the girl who takes their mindless work to the next level; a stressful job. Tada. See how easy that was? It was like therapy. lol. I feel much better.

Onto bigger and crazier things like the crazies i live with. I am now their new show pet. They have friends over and I've done my damnest to not be involved. They invited me for dinner.. I politely said no.. and yet still brought down leftovers. They call down and invite me for dessert.. I politely say no.. and then she says "well we'd like you to meet our guests". You can't say no to that.

I then spend the next hour bullshitting my aunt and uncle crazies into thinking I hadn't already heard everything they are trying to tell me before, laughing at terrible jokes, declining cake three times, and trying to not get toughed leaned against or stood to close to.

Who knew I had a personal space problem. I do now.

I then spent the next 20 minutes defending how Im not seriously looking for a graphics design job here. I made all sorts of lies until i couldn't take it anymore and said "I don't know how long I will be here and where I'd like to work". Im not sure if I upset anyone but christ, Im paying for my damn freedom and your getting your damn rent money so get off my damn case.

the end. of this rant about the crazies. steps to rid myself of the crazies that need to be taken.

1. Work for at least three months and save.
2. Pay off Visa Bill (the entirety of $177.36) and get limit made larger.
3. Look for places in Victoria/Vancouver
4. Find job after scouting cost of living in such places.

There. They always say the first step to getting out a problem is to map what you have to do. I think that qualifies. Look at us.. i should be paying you for the therapy im getting here. You of course have probably heard all of these things before. lol. but shit, it makes me feel better. lol

Seeing Jarrett tomorra, we're going to get my oil changed. lol and thats no joke. lol. Really, i need to get my cars oil changed. lol. And im buying rollerblades so i don't have to pay for uber expensive gas out here. lol.

Perhaps tomorra I'll have more to report. I, however, am feeling very positive and not stressed out. Starting the portfolio tomorra. I've decided it.

tada! love you all.
amy, let me know about australia?
meghan.. i just wanted to know if she got accepted?
bones... find a new job before i find one for you.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

All i gots to say...

a) you are right. and love you for your stong rightness and conviction.

b) i hate shoppers drug mart and all of the nazi bitches that work there.

c) i will find a job that makes me happy. started the search today.

d) everything seems so right just all of a sudden.

thank you bones. thank you meghan.

My Public Announcement

The following is a post by thegirlwholovestoknit.

Ladies and Gentlemen and to those who don’t "behave" like ladies or gentleman (my attempt at being PC)

I would like to make a formal public announcement, but seeing as I’m not allowed to stand on my desk and shout, and if I did shout it would only reach inappropriate ears (some hairy, some not) – I’ve decided to yell right here.

So pay attention. (I’m not yelling by the way…. Meaning gets lost in volume and I have no intention of invoking fear.)

Holly Fay will NOT be going to Australia. Holly Fay shall NOT be going anywhere to seek out people. Holly Fay shall ONLY be going to a place that interests her, and she will focus only on herself and her personal goals that involve her head and her heart and her ability to be alive and wondrous in this world.

If Holly Fay chooses to seek out people based on their peoplyness, then all she will find is people who only know things about people NOT about anything else and people like that are boring. Why? Because it’s always present people and their present state of being which says nothing about anyone or anywhere or anytime. And that’s ri-god-damn-diculous.

THEREFORE I say to Holly Fay make your portfolio, love your art, love your hands, love your vision(and find your vision) and use this world to make you feel like the best person you can be to yourself. You are the only person who should matter to you. Then the peoply-people shan’t bother you or waste your time. Why? Because you are too busy negotiating your visions with someone who cares about what you do, and how you got there, and why your mind works the way it does. And that, my lovely, is what we are all looking for. Any shmoe can love your boobs, it takes a great human to love your heart.

And with that, I conclude this public announcement and I wish all seekers of life (myself included) the greatest of adventures and the best of minds.

Most Sincerely,
Elizabeth Hurlburt

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I will not be that cat lady if i have the choice.

After our little chat this morning I was left feeling really.. alone.

The other night.. a few nights ago really... i had this dream. where we were in the loyalist cafe and all of the kids i went to high school with were there and jason was there and stace was there but amy wasn't. i walked outa the cafe and all of my friends got up from our table and said "holly just stay there for a sec".. so i stayed at our table when this kid that i used to date chris came over and asked me to put this bathing suite on in the middle of the cafe. i looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me and realised something bad was happening so i said no and got up.. all of sudden everyone in the cafe got up.. and started towards me. I screamed and screamed for jason to come and for stace to help but no one did. i was running out the school and there were people trying to get at me. i finally made it home and was balling in my room on turnbull when this other girl from highschool who i hated came and tried to calm me down.. and all i could do was scream why didn't jason help me.

i woke up sobbing. all i could think of was .. omg.. im alone.

then when amy and i talked this morning.. i felt it all over again. all day. i thought about jason. and steveo. and that random from london. and i thought about stacey and my sister and her boyfriend. and i thought about amy and wes. and my mum and dad.

if i was wes (or amy for that matter) i would be straightening my shit up. there is nothing worse in this whole world then being afraid of being alone or not being good enough and he is just putting it all on himself for no reason. i don't know if he understands the pressures and the sacrifices he puts on amy.. if he knew how terrible it was on the other side maybe he wouldn't bring the guilt trips to these bitter ends? i just want to slap him and tell him to not lose the only the girl or object that will ever really love him.

i shed a tear over jason today too. its his birthday in a few weeks.. and we haven't talked since last year this time.. even on my birthday i only got an email. so. i guess thats over. and i don't know why. is there anything after that?

i dunno.. i just don't know how to get outa this rut and meet more meaningful people like amy and heidi and meghan into my life. i don't know how to meet men like jason with balls. i don't know how to do anything i want to do. i even devised a plan to move to australia today cause i thought that would solve all my problems.

no. moving will not help me meet a man who deserves me. moving will not allow me to be closer to friends who mean so much to me (unless its to australia with amy and then im in). i gotta stick this out i guess. i gotta get my shit together.

so there. i've said it. im going real job hunting tomorra morning. im finishing my portfolio this weekend and i will get a real job. until next september to when i will decide whether to move to australia with amy.


ps. i've lost weight this week!!! my work pants fit again!!!!

i miss everyone so much. of course some more than others. xxoo

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

im a useless tit. no doubt about it.

ahhh. so today is tuesday. and i thought, from what the schedule at work said, that i had all week off. so i could go to get my license, car insurance, postcards printed, medical insurance etc done this week. apparently not. i work all day. every day. until sunday. and as we found out this past sunday.. no one leaves their homes to go to work on sundays. so. looks like im taken the half assed route when it comes to the post cards.. and it also looks like im not going to be a full bc resident for another week or two.

hope no one cares about that.

anyhoo.. progress with jarrett? not much. every time he's messeged me in the last two days i've been out at the gym or at work. and to tell you the truth (just to prove how desperate i am) im not sure i have much interest in him if he's so in love with kate. i know i know... i should just use him to meet some more available men. deal. he did say he had a hot roommate. all tho he sets up tents as a living.. lol. we'll see.. i do need to get out tho. so..... the saga continues. but i tell ya.. im not a triangle kinda girl. i know this will suprise all of you.. but i find them annoying and boring. and its even worse if i don't like one of the people in the triangle.

anyhoo.. i must go to the gym. OHHH and i know how proud ya'll will be when you read this next bit.

I can make an omellette. I know. Im throwing a party this weekend to celebrate. Ya'll are invited.
(im trying to make it a habit to use the word "ya'll" as much as possible cause i think its funny.

ok. so to the gym i go. then post card writing. then arm hair bleaching. sooo over due.

catchya'll on the flipside dudemeithers.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Good ol' Snaggle Tooth.. who knew she was a beauty?

Well... im a big bailer. We decided against leaving the house yesterday to go for my tour of Victoria.. it was raining and neither of us were in the mood. So instead.. i went into town in search of roller blades. with auntie crazy. to no avail she manage to offend everything i believe in. subjects included,

*homeless people
*job opportunities
*drunk driving
*buying roller blades
*what to eat for supper
*some random diet that is stupid
*drunk driving
*the hazards of living in the city

and so on and so forth. but being the good house guest i am, did not say anything to contradict her.. and jesus crhist did i want to. then she invited me for dinner with uncle crazy and his mum. i couldn't say no. apparently.. uncle crazy gets his crazy from his mother. imagine me.. sitting a dinner table.. with the crazies! ya can't get a word in edge wise cause they are either rambling on about something they told you earlier that day.. or playing show n'tell with the ingrediates they used to cook the chicken in cause i made the mistake of commenting on it.. or they simply just chewing like cows. i tell ya.. its hard work.

anyhoo.. tried to get my post cards printed yesterday.. turns out the island of Vancouver sleeps all day and no one works.. so it'll have to wait until tuesday. gotta work all day today than the gym. so i'll be off.. to deal with the crazy german woman i work with at shoppers. my favourite line of all time:

will i don't ave any erms you know! "WELL I DON'T HAVE ANY GERMS YOU KNOW".


ciao babas until this evening.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Lucky Number Slevin.

Well.. first off i'll tell ya how the "date" went. And then I'll tell ya what was really going on.

Jarrett picked me up.. looking all dapper in his striped shirt and dark jeans... and there i was in dark jeans and white long sleeve shirt. started the evening underdressed *high five*. we chat the whole way into town and he says we're gonna slide around and pick up his other friend that we're going out with. ok fine. SHES gorgeous. dressed to the nines. in a casual pretty way. *high five to the girl who barely managed to find a clean shirt*.

So we go to dinner at this Jamacan Jerk Restaurant. Yeah. I myself have never been to jamacian jerk restaurant... but one would suspect there would be jamacan food and jamacan people and maybe some tunes and pretty stuff. no. none of the above. except for the tunes.. that we're being mixed by this white kid who looked like he took the gig so he could eat that night. me and sarah got adventurous and got rum punch to drink and me and jarrett headed for the buffet. i guess the definition of 'buffet' is a table with food that you help yourself to, cause thats all it was. there were three kinds of chicken, a bowl of curry sauce and a bowl of salad that might had been prepared 4 days ago. the rum punch as it turns out.. is just rum.. that has a punch to it. i was drunk off one drink *high five to the drunk new kid*.

all of sudden, the geek parade walks in. and sits at our table. 5 guys walk in. each with a bicycle helmet in hand, one pant leg tucked in their sock and wearing sandals. i think the majority were wearing glasses too. we were introduced and it was awkward so we left. but i tell ya.. that jamacian jerk has been following me ever since. *applause to the drunk new girl with gas*.

we finally make our way to the bar were we meet jarretts other friend luke. we had a decent time.. and me being me couldn't keep my eyes from roaming the room til i spotted something that got my attention. last night it turned out to the bartender in a supremely hot plaid sweater vest.. i didn't mean to be obvious but sarah saw me checking him out and was "hey.. just walk by and brush into him" and me, being the drunk that i am after a "rum punch" and three malibu, blurt out "and then what flash him my tits?". i apparently said it a little loud and jarrett and luke both looked at me like i was talkin to them and was going to flash them. *high five to drunk again*. we finally get out of there and start the drive home.

we went on a tour of the city and dropped sarah off. we talked all night.. like it was casual with no pressure.. it was just nice and fun and comfortable. we were gonna go out tonight.. but i bailed cause im exhausted.. but we have plans for tomorra.. so i felt ok with it. we talked for two hours this afternoon. i felt pretty good about the situation.

i'd only picked out 3 qualities that bugged me about him and its been full 24 hours~

a) he eats like a barbarian. you know, with your head at plate level, a fork in one hand the knife in the other, holding them like weapons, stabing at food on the plate like its trying to run away... huge turn off.

b) his friends are geeks. not just smart.. but weird too.

c) hes short. and muscular. not an inch of fat on him (totally not my type eh? lol)

and then tonight happened.

slater, my friend from high school, messeges me. asks how the night was. i said good it was fun.. etc. then she starts in about how jarretts mad at her cause she won't come out here. im a little confused until she tells me this little tune.

they went to humber together. they liked each other all through school except they were both previously attached. she comes out here this summer and ends up hooking up with him. he breaks up with his girlfriend for her. she goes back to ontario. he is now pressuring her into coming out and being with him. sigh. yeah.

so. no date. just a pity night out with strangers. everyone was super nice and friendly and thats what it was for.. to get to know people right.. a little disappointing tho. now i feel evenmore like the bumkin that moved to the city and doesn't know enough to wear fancy clothes all the time and gets drunk and gasy and says comments that only me and amy would find funny. sigh.

feeling more and more wanting to not go adventuring tomorra with him. specially if its just a favour to kate.. whom secretly i don't think i like anyways.

and the adventure continues... thinking i might just join you in austalia amy. i'll start saving now. at least there its sunny all the time and i know people.

miss you (even if your three hours away) more than ever.

ps i watched lucky number slevin tonight and it made me happy that people who are quirky can fall in love too.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Let the embarrassing moment begin...

this is my nervous face. not only am i about the embark on a city that I couldn't get myself out of.. im about to do it with a random. who is picking me up in t-minus 15 minutes.

so we're chatting last night (his name is jarrett) and he just starts popping questions. So all of a sudden I've roped myself into tonight ~ which i still don't know what we're doing ~ tomorra night ~ which seems to UFC championship night at some random pub ~ and Sunday ~ which apparently consists of a tour of Victoria. So we're pretty much married.

DEAR GOD. so he messeges me right when i get out of the shower to tell me he's on his way... and out of a fit of embarrassment and scaredness i type "BAH! IM NEKED!". damn near one of the smartest things I've ever said. sigh.

can't wait to see what other dumb ass remarks come tonight. slater (my friend from highschool) gave him a picture of me (you know the one where its me, amy and jess and we're all looking really hot?) so i hope it doesn't matter that i've gained 10 pds and no longer look black or at least tanned. lol. i saw a pic of him.. but he doesn't really look that hot.. he was wearing those dorky old person sandels (not really impressive). im gonna hope that he's better looking in real life. or at least has a sparkling personality. so far so good over msn.. but really.. how easy is it to pretend to hot and smart over msn.. you get to reread everything you type!

anyhoo. dinner was a splat last night. ended up just chucking all the chicken in the fridge for a chicken salad eventually this week. maybe lunch tomorra. i hope its not a late night.. i gotta work at 7am tomorra. sob.

and the adventures continue...
over and out.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Adventures in Cooking... really an adventure.

Im cooking dinner. On my grill. Its almost amusing. Im sure you'd laugh if you saw it. I followed a traditional 'Brock U' receipt. It calls for cutting your chicken in to tiny pieces, cramming them into a ball of tinfoil. dumping bbq sauce, italian dressing and montreal steak spice onto the chicken, then chucking on the barbie. so far so good. but just in case ive put a regular peice of chicken on the grill too. (not that i could cook that any better... lol) i'll let you know how it turns out.

In the mean time: I have a date. Yes. A date. Unfortunately not with a hot sweatyboy from the gym (of which there were plenty of i tell ya) but with a random. You see; this girl kate that i went to high school with was talking to a friend of hers from Victoria that she went to university with and gave him my picture and email I guess.. and he messeged me last night and now im going out with him on friday. of course i could just be a normal person and admit that he's probably taking pity onthe girl who moved here with no friends.. but he didn't have to ask me.. nor did he have to messege me. sooo tada! random yes. which is good.

as for other dibits.. there are none. went to work today. was hard.. and tiring.. and now im going to the gym... after i eat the "meal" that im cooking. what a joke this might turn out to be. i'll take pictures. it'll be worth it.

so far.. goal d) is being accomplished? and a) is nearly there... auntie crazy is doing her best not to be so crazy.

talk to ya'll later (look at me and my black self :P)
over and out.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Waiting for my damn iPod to charge.

Im les tired.

Had my first day at Shoppers today.. so far it seems pretty good. everyone is nice and willing to help (even if its not needed :|) which is nice. I get lots of hours which is nice too. I work today, thursday, friday, & saturday so far.. which is good so we'll see what next week brings. Turns out I wont have to work a Sunday ever which is awesome.

headin to the gym soonish, after my iPod charges. mum says thats a good place to meet hot sweaty boys.. so i'll give it a go. but i tell ya.. my dogs are barking. maybe ill just take a dip inthe pool instead.. with my overgrown legs. who needs to shave if there isn't anyone there is recognize that you did? lol.

mission tonight.. stay up past 9pm. and finish my book. that "Black Dahila" one. so far is very 50's crime drama. i can almost picture there outfits. lol.

over and out.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Crazy Aunt. And thats only the beginning.

Ohhhhhh K.

I have a crazy aunt.
She lives in a house by the sea.
She has lots and lots of money.
And yet she's still very very crazy.

There are 4 things I wanted to accomplish out here in beautiful British Columbia.
a) Not live with my mother.
b) Get a fabulously lovely apartment that I can paint.
c) Find a good job that I enjoy.
d) Meet a nice boy.

So far... I'm batting 0. Mind you it's only been 4 days.

a) I moved here to be independant. To have my own place. To survive. Little did I know.. when you rent a place from family.. your not a tenant. You are still family. My aunt babies me like I've never lived on my own before. EVERY chance I get I bring up my solo adventures to Australia and my three years of college.. AND YET.. it doesn't seem to matter. So basically I moved out my mothers house where at least i had some trust gained... to my aunts house where I got nothin. Im gonna go nuts.

b) My appartment is not an appartment. It's a basement converted into a living space. I have my own entrance.. but due to the basement conversion bit.. i have all of my aunts old furniture/paintings/cupboards/shit that she didn't want. Thanks for the furnishings... but i don't want your old bedsheets/forks/and random pots and pans. This is just a stop over to save some money.. get my barrings and find a gorgeous apartment in the city.

c) I found shoppers.. which was easy and I like it... but it's definately not career material. Maybe headoffice will give me a chance? We'll see... first day is tomorra. Looks like I'm gonna have a but load of responsiblity.. looks good on the resume at least right?

d) Boys are hard to meet. No joke. Especially ones who have jobs and are smart. Bah. I'll keep looking.

They end for now.. over and out!