Tuesday, December 26, 2006

the fight that was one sided.

I suppose you all remember that girl from high school that set me up with Jarrrett (the creepass with the bad sandles and weird friends) then subsequently Chris (who turned out to be a bad person in general) and then subsequently Karley (who happens to take my friendship for granted and is a little messed up in the head). Her name was katie slater just in case you forgot. anyways. the last few weeks she has been messeging me nonstop. but i never replied.. cause i really just didn't want to listen to her moan about bracebridge and how lame it is and such. well tonight..i did answer. The moment she started moaning i said "slater. i find it hard to take you seriously when you say you hate BB so much.. cause you're still there. and have been there for the past three years without even considering leaving". and this is what insued. I'll give my synopsis at the end. i would like to say in my defense however.. that i really wasn't mad. or annoyed for that matter. it was like i wasn't really paying attention cause i knew she was a loser and that i don't really believe anything she says till it happens. so anyways.. heres the convo.

To: katieslater@hotmail.com
Start Time: 8:44:35 PM; End Time: 9:13:31 PM

katers says: doesnt make snse for me to move right now and waste money on rent and shit when im trying to save to go back to school

katers says: its called common sense

Waffey... says: sure. common sense.

katers says: and its really none of your business

katers says: i didnt spend my time chasing boys around australia or working at shoppers drug mart

Waffey... : haha. at least i had balls to do things that i had a passion for.

katers says: and your living with your aunt and uncle there

katers says: like what ????

katers says: moving to work at shoppers drug mart

katers says: and live wiht your aunt and uncle

Waffey... : lol. your getting carried away. everyone has to start somewhere.. at least i've started. am getting my apartment in april. have my new job. own my own car... thats more than i can say for you.

katers says: im a physio assistant

katers says: i went to school and did something i loved

katers says: im working on writing songs

katers says: and doing art right now

katers says: this summer i did the east and west coast to see things and have some fun

katers says: im going back to school in sept to get my physio degree

Waffey... : mk.

katers says: maybe you should pull your head outta your ass dude

katers says: and mind your own fucken business

katers says: and realize that your life isnt so hot

katers says: did u even finish school ?

Waffey... : yeah know what. i am really really  happy with my life right now. and i do think its pretty hot. im sorry that your life isn't. im just tired.. and have been tired.. of your moaning over.. um.. forever. honestly.. we weren't that great of friends in high school..   i just don't know why we continue you this.

Waffey... : and yes i have a degree in advertising and design.

katers says: just took u a bit longer to get it done eh

katers says: ya and your right

katers says: i always thought u were a cunt in hs too

katers says: so i dont understand why i am wasting my time in this conversation

Waffey... : nice language.

katers says: or why i ever was nice enough to give the guys your number to show u around vic

katers says: ill catch up with you in maybe ten years or so

katers says: and well see how things balance out then

katers says: :)

katers says: im really happy wiht my life

katers says: things are going great

katers says: just waiting for the next step to startup

Waffey... : please don't. i couldn't handle more moaning.

katers says: haha

katers says: just like listening to u fucken crying n hs all the time

katers says: about stan

katers says: or about brad

Waffey... : haha.

katers says: every day

katers says: anyways

katers says: good luck in life

katers says: and goodbye

Waffey... : well that i know is bullshit.. cause i don't think we ever had those convos.

Waffey... : dido.

katers says: oh we did

katers says: about brad

Waffey... : haha. well.. thats high school right? some of us have moved on... 

katers says: some of us

katers says: have learned to not be petty bitches and criticize people we know nothing about

katers says: u on the other hand

katers says: obviously havent

Waffey... : i don't want to get into name calling... it is what it is.

katers says: ya well u were pretty mucht he one that started shitting on me here dear

katers says: criticizing what im doing

katers says: and its really none of your business

katers says: especially when your situation isnt great itself

katers says: when i used to come into shoppers when i was working in my field and u were working

katers says: i didnt think any less of u

katers says: shoppers was your stepping stone to get to where you wanted to be

katers says: i respected that

katers says: i on the other hand have worked in my field

katers says: and am now in a stepping stone til my next place i want to be

Waffey..: lol. you didn't respect it 10 minutes ago. besides up until i left for here.. i worked in my field too. i was working part time at shoppers and full time at the Osprey media. 

Waffey... : but.. thats in the past.. and now im on to bigger and better things.. i hope you do to eventually.

katers says: i did respect it

katers says: until u started telling me u didnt respect me for what i was doing

katers says: Im going to get my physio degree in sept

katers says: im playing tons of sports right now

katers says: im doing paintings for people for money

katers says: im working on a demo for music

katers says: im seeing someone amazing

katers says: im really happy with how things are right now

Waffey... : mk.

katers says: what i dont need in my life is negativity

katers says: yes i have been having a hard time finding a job the last few months

katers says: but im doing things that make me happy and that are making me a more well rounded person

katers says: and maybe moving out west was good for u

katers says: but it wasnt the right thing for me to do

Waffey... : mk.

katers says: if it makes u happy and u feel like your in the right place holly

katers says: then gret

katers says: im happy for you

katers says: but u really really really should think about making judgements and assumptions on things u dont really know anything about

katers says: and if u really want to know why im at home

katers says: u should ask

katers says: cause im not one to run out and tell people why

Waffey... : mk.

katers says: mk

katers says: later

katers says: good luck

Waffey... : ciao

katers says: wish u only the best with the new job and stuff

katers says: cause im not one to shit on people and judge you for what your doing

There you have it. Sure did escalate fast eh? First of all. At the beginning.. I wasn't out for name calling and comparing lives.. I just wanted to say "i don't want to hear your complaining. If its so bad do something about it". And maybe it did look like I was being a pompous ass.. but to be honest.. she just went of the deep end and I wasn't about to jump in the sinking ship with her. Obviously she isn't comfortable where she is if she needs to defend herself so... hartily. if thats a word. i couldn't believe her language tho. I suppose i learned to fight pompous like from milly.. he always fought like that with me. Well.. its a good thing. because shes a crazy nut job.. and i wouldn't be sad to not talk to her again. the "friends" she introduced me to no longer speak to her anyways cause shes crazy.. i tell ya.. there was a lot of nasty things i could blurted out at her.. but i have more decentcy.. i'd like to think. i just didn't want to listen to the moaning anymore.

anyho. thats the excitement of my day. work tomorra at the mart that im proud to say is not my career no matter what she things. then thursday is my shopping day.. then friday im working then tia and allison and i are gonna go dancing.. i have the weekend off.. then we're going out new years into town.. then.. start the job on tuesday! sigh. everything is great. although i will admit.. it wouldn't be a new years without finch/a wedding reception/milly/too much drinking/rushy/amy or boardgames and cards with heidi and my parents.

miss you all terribly. but am positive i will see you all eventually again. some sooner than later i suspect!

xxoo waffey.

Monday, December 25, 2006

the most weird/sad christmas ever. or at least ever in my life.

today was christmas. and it was sad. i shed a tear. everything was wrong and not right or normal. nothing was traditional or usual. nothing was my family and my room and my living room and our routine. everything was... wrong.

i suppose the crazies tried to do things right. there was stocking and presents and breakfast. but its not with my family. and then there were the even crazier friends of crazies that came for dinner. it wasn't fun. it wasn't good. the stuffing was disgusting and there was no apple pie.

i don't want to say it was the worst christmas ever, because obviously there are a lot of people with worse christmas's then me, but it wasn't a good christmas without my family.

miss you all very much.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Chirstmas Eve is here. I suppose.

Well the last few weeks have been.... anxious... i guess is the right term.

Im almost done at shoppers.. which is really good. Im so tired of them... and the drama and the mindless work. Im tired of the shifts and the crappy jobs and never actually accomplishing things. Im tired of the old people and the cranky staff and not not having a steady schedule. More or less I am just excited to start something new.

Im anxious for christmas to be over as well. I never remember putting so much emphasis on christmas before.. but now that im a little older I guess and have decided to stay out here.. i guess its a bit of worry when I'll see my parrents and sister again. I'll be it.. i'll see march and gramma fay in march and lindsay in may.. but when will i see dad? and amy? and heidi and meghan and everyone? i dunno.. is this a part of growing up and growing out? if so.. im not sure i like it. i now see why farchie cried at the airport.

another anxious moment would be about getting out of this god forsaken house. its terrible. not only do the crazies drive me nuts... apparently they have been listening in on my phone calls. half heartedly i hope they heard that I call them the crazies. I don't know why they don't get the point. they interfere with my car.. my laundry.. my heat.. my windows.. my mail.. everything. Ever chance linda gets she puts her input in. if its unwanted. i was thinking i should go upstairs and be socialable with them since it is christmas eve.. but i don't want to have to face them and ask them why they fucked with my car AGAIN and the license plates. none of that was asked of them. i don't care if its a "nice thing they thought they'd do for me" them important point is; is that its my property.. my decisions.. my life and I don't need another set of parents. at least they could have asked me about it. instead of just doing what they thought is best. im really perturbed. That and they said they would make me a stocking.. so being the nice person i am.. i've made one for each of them as well.. but to be honest... i think its just a nicety cause they are related.

anyways.. tia and i have started the looking for a place which im so excited about... yeah for all the beautiful awesome furishing stores here.

thats all for now. looks like i should go up and have a chat. funk.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Lucy... you got some splainin to do!

I know.. i know.. its been like almost three weeks since i've written on here. It just means I have an enormous amount of nonsense to say in one blog. Sean, you are not going to like this! Be warned!

Ok. So staff Christmas Party. Well... it wasn't really a party so much as a dinner. A hardcore expensive dinner. That we didn't have to pay for, but mine as well have cause I think our drinks ended up costing as much as the meal. lol. We got all dahled up in our heels and grown up bags and went to the fancy restaurant over looking the ocean... tia and i only thought it appropriate to sip martini's. emphasis on the martini(s). There were champagn ones, chocolate ones, apple ones, raspberry ones, hypnotic ones. There was one of every flavour. Anyhoo.. we all chipped in some money to donate to the food bank and then our names got entered into a draw for a 10lb Toblerone Bar. Thats right. You heard me. 10 Pounds! Have you got any idea how large a 10 pound toberlone bar is? Its like a log. A log of chocolate and nouget. On the walk back to my place we had to switch up ever 50 metres or so carrying the damn thing. It was huge. So we get back to my place and it looks like a bomb went off. Seriously, I was embarrassed how messy I thought it was. Tia didn't seemed phased, but I was mortified. We sat and watched Black and White soundless movies then she went home. And i sat and starred at my chocolate log.

So onward and up ward right? Last weekend we went bowling and christmas shopping and adventuring. It was fun. Its almost creepy has funny it is. I think I've already mentioned this, but we're moving in together in April.. which I'm pumped about.. and apparently so is she. But I tell ya, last night we had a food and movie night ( i say food and movie night cause we devoured a large bbq chicken pizza, a tub of rolo ice cream an entire 2L bottle of sprite and half a bag of salt and pepper chips) at her house and I tell ya.. my little suite here was damn near spotless in comparison. AND HER ROOM! If a bomb went off in mine, hiroshema musta taken place in heres. There was nonsense EVERYWHERE! I laughed so hard, which probably wasn't polite but she laughed too cause apparently we are the messiest people alive, but we made the executive desicion that we can have as messy bedrooms as we please, but kitchen, bathroom (s) and living areas must be neat and fashionable. lol. we watched the Lake House last night, and Im not going to lie to you... that movie made no sense. at all. I was a little annoyed.

The Devil Wears Prada. Now. As much as I love all the camio's and gorgeous clothing and runways nonsense and magazine talk of this movie, I am completely and alarmingly annoyed by the lesson trying to be taught. First of all.. they really didn't make the lesson seem very convincing. Anne Hathaway could have easily said to that moppy head boy of hers "fuck right off.. I look hot and have a very powerful career AND i get to go to fashion week AND i have a much hotter and older fashion hot guy wanting my newly hot sexy body!" But instead she choose some gross old newspaper job where she gets to write gross little stories. No more high fashion for her. Idiot. SECOND of all. Who the funk moves to New York and gets an amazing job like that and then quits cause her boyfriend doesn't see her as much? Hmm? And that friend of hers is an ungrateful wench to judge her on a job that actually got here a moundfull of swag! I'll say this once. If any of you EVER quit a job that you love or even like because a boy is annoyed that you don't spend as much time with him.... I don't think we can be friends anymore.

I am definately of the opinion that women should be able to have wonderfully amazing and high powered careers JUST LIKE MEN and still be able to have the family life JUST LIKE MEN. If he loves you like he says he will.. he will learn how to have dinner ready on the table when you get home.

Dirty Magnets. I think I'm going to make a group decision. Everytime one sends a letter to and fro from bc to ontario, there must be a magnet included. Magnets are fun and not expensive and can fit into regular mail and make a good pick me up. Like the one amy sent me. Amazing. I will put it on my filing cabinet at work. End of discussion.

Have I mentioned how pumped I am about the new job? T-Minus 15 days!! Yeah! I can't wait to buy big girl clothes and big girl furniture and such. too excited. And the new apartment! YAAAAH! Marchie is giving me money to spend on furniture and such cause i am NOT accepting hand me downs from the crazies. Unless its a tv. that i don't say no too. YAAHAHAH!

mind you thats.. what? 3 months away. sigh. anyways. thats all i want to say for now. im les tired of writing. i'll try and continue later on today.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Adventures in Raw Fish.

Yesterday.. i worked all day. And remembered why I hate it so much. The whole day I thought about how I could maime my self so that I didn't have to work at shoppers anymore. there were the loss of limbs, breaking of bones, vehicular pain, accidents, and straight out lying. i really really don't want to work there all christmas. not even a little. if i wasn't so far behind on my savings goals i would so quite again. quite frankly i still might. like the weekend before christmas.

anyjooo... i also went out for sushi last night with tia. i heart bbq eel. it is soooo good. i had almost one of everything. almost. turns out rice is really really filling. who knew.

so today I am staying in bed all day. if i don't go anywhere i can't spend money right? well.. i will go to the gym after dinner, after all that is peek boy ooogling time. i need myself a man toy. thats final.

ciao babas

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Listen Lady, Im just tellin ya what I heard on Maury.

Wow. I wish you all could have been here for the shit show i just witnessed. I'd like to say there were bear bongs and pukers and writing on people with permanent markers, but no. 7 bottles of wine, half a deli counter and too much chocolate mixed with 8 seniors (men/woman over the age of 60).

There was this woman. Dale. This woman was the elderly version of Katie Izzard. Minus all the vagina comments. No joke. She had to be right. All the time. She had to talk the loudest. All the time. She had to be the funniest. All the time. I nearly kicked her and said "team, remember that time we drank outside your apartment cause we were locked out?" and then thought better of it. I was so annoyed with her to the point that as some time or another she said her "friends" were all tired of the BC health system that they were getting all of their surgeries done in mexico. I laughed and said "eww thats sketch, haven't you heard the horror stories of people going down there for a face lift and coming back with their eyes sewn shut?".. really, i heard that on maury and decided it could be a fact. maybe. I thought it was funny. Until she went on a TIRADE about how canada's health system is worse and that if you live more than an hour away from any major city you mine as well die where you stand cause if you get into an accident you won't get to a hospital in time. I think she spit on me half a dozen times during this tyrade,, and she was across the ROOOM not the table. Dear Lord. It was a shit show.

As for today, would I be a terrible terrible person if i tried to get fired? I mean.. so I don't have to work at Shoppers all christmas long? cause I hate it and for the life of me can't remember why I said I'd stay until after christmas. ogh. right. i remember. i was staying so i could ignore this holiday everyone calls christmas. seems that will be a difficult due to the fact that all the music that is played from october to Jan 1 is christmas music. I probably had 17 people wish me a merry christmas and shit today. fuck them and their happy all in one province families. fuck them all.

im not bitter. just tired. i had the hebejebes last night. didn't sleep well. took some gravol. hope that helps. miss you all terribly. so bad that i think im giving myself hives.

xxoo waffey.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I made her cry. In a good way!

So today/yesterday have been very emotional. I mean VERY emotional. I got all my hopes up about coming home... and now I'm not. Im sorry to everyone. I got everyone's hopes up. We (me and my marchie) just can't afford the ticket. The good news is however that marchie can't afford the ticket cause she is coming out here in March and then sending Beasely out May 1st for her birthday. But shhhhh.. she doesn't know it yet.

As for good news, I start my new Job January 2nd, which means I can still work through christmas and pretend like its not happening at Shoppers. Which means I can make some mad cash and save for holiday in july to edmonton/calgary! Plus for my new apartment in April. This kid WILL be moving April First. And it WILL be to somewhere spanky!

:) so good news and bad news. saving money is always good. i have some bills to pay off so a plane ticket just isn't in the cards right now. ooooh well. so i'll be sending christmas cheer out monday.

bad news tho amy.. i couldn't get the purse i wanted for you just right now.. but you will get it. eventually!!!

xxoo waffles.